Friday, September 07, 2012

Friday Frills

There comes a time when you must stand alone. 
When you must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.

You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved. 

Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged. 
There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities. 

Be strong enough to overcome your own weaknesses.
Be brave enough to be able to show your emotions, joyful or sad. 
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by. 

Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, 
and find your true sense of purpose in this life. 

Be willing to make sacrifices. 
Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.


Unknown said...

I feel so empowered after reading this beautifully strong post. What truths! So lovely to receive your lovely comment as always. Hope you are well my dear. Kisses

I have a new facebook page, I hope you like it :)

Tori said...

I love that photo!

Anna and Klaudia said...

great post!

MOSAMUSE said...

beautiful writing!

Rahul Bhatia said...

Once again a rewarding Friday with such lovely thoughts!Your new profile pic is like a fresh rose:)Wishing you a happy weekend!

Bravoe Runway said...

Enjoy your weekend, and this is a very inspirational post. Making sacrifices is not something many want to do but sometimes the payoff is much bigger.

20 YORK STREET said...

What a beautifully written post!

It's very inspirational and I agree with everything you said!
Follow @20YS on Twitter : @20YS
Follow @20YS on Facebook: TWENTY YORK STREET
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Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

Yet again, you've killed it with the inspirational words Sam!

Love this section especially:
'Be strong enough to overcome your own weaknesses.
Be brave enough to be able to show your emotions, joyful or sad.
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.'

Have a wonderful weekend!xoxo

trishie said...

So true. it's very important to be your own person.

Have a wonderful weekend !

Anonymous said...

great post!!!


Nhi said...

have a great friday Sam! love your profile pic:)
lots of love xx

Antee Gurung said...

I love ur writing dear. So empowering n beautifully put the pink dress too n the way the pic been shot...


Elisabeth said...

Lovely words! Your new profile photo is just stunning!
I'm really looking forward to the flea market tomorrow, too mad I'm a little bit sick today, I've got a cold, so I hope it will be fine tomorrow..

E from Helsinki

Carolyna's world said...

this is so deep and great post dear

Mia said...

nice one.
xx m

OneRedCherry said...

great post.Really love it

Stefania said...

Such a beautiful writing!!Thanks for sharing!

Stephilà Creations-Myfashionblog

Lilli said...

Hi Sam! Cannot be more agreed with you! Noticed you changed the profile pic, very nice!! Kisses and happy weekend dear!:*

Daniella said...

Hi sweetie, these words are just what I needed my dear! Really and truly. So thank you for posting this Sam. My Fridays wouldn't be the same with out your positive and inspiring posts :)

Take care, Daniella xox

Kelinha said...

Nice blog. Would you like to follow each other? =)

Izzy said...

thank you so much for your inspirational quotes. I was actually feeling quite down the past few days and these words are so true. bringing out the inner strength in us can be so difficult, but we must always try :)

Francesca | said...

It's always nice to read something so inspirational in the morning, thank you for the pick-me-up :) xx

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Sam! All your comments always makes me smile <3

amy b.s. said...

that picture is amazing.

Unknown said...

Wonderful writing!
I always love your Friday post so much, it is always so inspiring and touching! said...

Golden words!

Elle Sees said...

i need to remember to be in the sunlight!!

Paulina DeVil said...

lovely photo and very true words!
thanks a lot for the comment! yeah i had an amazing time in sa, i'm going to post some more photos tonight, stay updated! xx

Bailey Schneider said...

I have to laugh... it is just so perfect for what it happening in my life. Spot on again.

Elisabeth said...

Great post and picture dear ! (:

xx from

Mandy@OrangeAutumn said...

Beautiful photo, lovely words. Hope you're having a good Friday!

Unknown said...

This is so lovely and the pic is so inspiring...
Happy weekend sam!:)

Anonymous said...

The Giulia’s Bag

Jodie said...

thhanks for commenting on my lovely playsuit- there is something about denim and velvet that just works
I LOVE everything you post- this is hands down and amaing piece of writing!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Well said Sam! I think we all need reminders like this every so often.

Have a splendid weekend doll!
Rowena @ rolala loves

Giancarlo said...

Un bel post!! Una vita senza sacrifici sarebbe una vita monotona e triste!!buona serata e felice fine settimana a te...ciao

The Dragonfruit said...

This really just made my day. Its so easy to just be satisfied with something we know and are familiar with. But its only with pushing and stretching ourselves can we expect to gain something different from what we've always had!

Trendy Teal

Denise said...

This Friday Frills was exactly what I needed... especially these words: "must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams. You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged." And the last ones, not to be someone's shadow, when we are meant to be the sun... it's so amazing! Thanks for this amazing post... very very very inspiring!!!!

The Golden Girls said...

first time visitor! gorgeous blog, you look fabulous :) Hugs from California! xx,
The Golden Girls

Anonymous said...

Just love the Fri posts!

<3 Cambria

Diana S.T. said...

lovely post, you write beautiful =)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Happy Friday friend!! I noticied in your profile you have a new photo - you looks beautiful! Love your Friday's Frills!!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Great words as always.
Really love the positive feeling I got after reading this,
thank you!


nini said...

Inspiring & motivating writing Sam!
Positive vibes all the way!!!!!! :)
Have a wonderful weekend doll

Zhanna said...

Beautifuly said!! I are such an inspiring writer I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! Have a great weekend!