Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Frills

10 Rules To Live By Every Single Day

1. Realise your own worth. Avoid comparing yourself with others. Each of us is special, because we are different one from the other.

2. Set your own goals based on what is important to you, not what others think is important. Only you know what is best for you.

3. Treasure the things that are closest to your heart. Cherish them as you would your life, without them life is meaningless.

4. Live your life one day at a time, in the present, with each day to its fullest. Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past, or for the future.

5. Be relentless when you have something to offer; never give up. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

6. Embrace risk, don’t be afraid. We learn how to be brave by taking chances.

7. Love deeply, freely, with all your heart. The quickest way to receive love is to give love, the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly, the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

8. Live your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope and to be without hope is to be without purpose.

9. Slow down. Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been, but also where you are going. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savoured, each and every step of the way.

10. Surrender to your destiny; have faith that it will unfold as it should. Choose to be happy, at peace and one with the universe.

* Unknown author. Image via Nina Ricci


Alexa said...

love that pic! great post doll <3 very inspiring!

Alexa <3

miss b said...

What a fun image! There is so much good advice here all in one post. Numbers 4 and 9, I think are so important - living in the moment. So often we rush around, constantly looking ahead without truly enjoying the moment. Have a great weekend and enjoy every minute!!!

awhite said...

Great post doll- I love #5: be relentless! :)


Marcela Gmd said...

❊#ª“˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2014!!!
Besos desde España, Marcela♥

Paola Lauretano said...

Lovely rules to live!!!!
Great friday post, as usual my dear Sam!!!!
Have a fab day!

Unknown said...

Brilliant words,Have a perfect friday.
Heart you,Kisses..

Instant Milk said...

Thank you for this!

Come by soon!


Natasha Gregson said...

Such an amazing post, I couldn't agree more with number one. Sometimes it's easy to get down and compare yourself to others, but at the end of the day it will never bring happiness.

Anonymous said...

I love this post :) So true :)

Emmylou said...

Great rules to live by, Sam:)
Have a great weekend ahead, my dear.

Toks said...

I just have to tell you again how much I love your Friday Frills texts. Love it!!!

Bisma Rauf said...

Lovely rules :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful Sam, and I truly love Friday Frills! Thank you also for your lovely words and feedback on my last post!
xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

Anonymous said...

I love the fourth one " live your life one day at a time " . Excellent !! xx

The Dragonfruit said...

These are beautiful rules to live by! If we really implemented them, we'd be so much happier

The Dragonfruit Diaries

mademoisellemode said...

Amazing ^^
I love the number 4 so true


Sandra Leiva said...

Great words and beautiful picture <3


Antonella C’est Moi said...

Hello doll, great post!! have a nice day, kisses

Unknown said...

Totally agree, especially with point number 8.



London Loafers said...

Sam this post was simply wonderful! You had me nodding vigorously at every point you made! :)

Happy holidays!


Katie said...

I'm working on 6 and 4, though I find those quite hard... I really liked reading all of them though, some potential new year resolutions amongst these! I like the quote from 9- "life is not a race, but a journey to be savoured, each and every step of the way.

" Thanks for sharing <3

Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

This made me feel quite emotional Sam!! Lovely words to live by, and great in the holiday season too. Merry Christmas!

AnnaBella said...

Very valuable advices <3 Have a great friday :)

Antee Gurung said...

wow loved ur 10 commandments... great rules to follow!!! i love each and every posts of urs

btw do check out my new post
stay in touch

Unknown said...

Those are very inspirational! thanks so much for sharing them, I really love the things you mentioned! :)

Take care always, love Christine ~ xo
Chriissydollxo Blog | BlogLovin'

Mihaela Pojogu said...

Happy Friday my dear, love to read your Friday post!
You are invited on my International Giveaway

Sugar Lane said...

great post!
Feliz Navidad!


It's so refreshing to read these Sam. Such great words to live by. Wishing the most joyful holiday season. xx/Madison

Daniella said...

Oh Sam, thank you for sharing these words! Each line is so true and really brings it back to us what life is all about. I think you have a beautiful sole Sam and you always brighten up our Fridays :)

Take care sweetie,
Daniella xox

Jackie Harrison said...

You are an amazing motivator my friend I need to learn to slow down my life its always in a rush. So that one I need to practice. Have a great weekend.

Sammie said...

wonderful post and so true in today's times :)

Edyta said...

I love these - and I agree with number 9 so much. we seem to be running and rushing and hurrying and don't spend time really enjoying life... :(


Rozalia Fashion said...


Anonymous said...

Cute post!
Nuovo post:

trishie said...

Love your Friday posts. So inspiring! Wishing you a Merry Christmas x

miasmode said...

Love this Friday Frills! Number one is my fav. You will immediately feel better if you don't compare yourself with others. Have a happy Friday Sam!!

xx Mira



Sparkle said...

Love your Friday posts <3
maybe we can follow each other? let me know!

Birdie Liau said...

This 10 rules is so relatable, I'll definitely live by them (: and constantly remind myself of it! x

Unknown said...

Great friday frills!!! Have a lovely week end :)

The Fashion Heels

Valeria said...

These rules are just perfect. Thanks for sharing them.

Lilli said...

Morning Sam! I need to print these words and just save them as reminder, these are one of the best frills so far, inspiring, true and very positive. My fav points are: 1, 4, 6, 7 and 10. I think you start to live and be happy once you accept the person you are without compare yourself with others, when you have well got what life has to offer or, if still you havent got it, when you just trust life will be as it should be for you, keeping pursuing your goals accepting the risk with no fear and keeping dreaming. What I learnt is that you have only the present to live, doing all the best in that time, no past or future have to ruine the moment because one day you wake up elder with regrets and sadness on what it could be. Happy Friday my dear and Happy Holidays to you as well!! xo

little luxury list said...

Thank you for the inspiration dear! These points are so true. We should all be open and try to love freely. We should also live life fully and one day at a time so we truly savor each day!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

dim_3fs said...

Totally agree!!!! Have a lovely weekend!

Beautetude said...

Lovely and true words hun. Have a wonderful weekend.

get carried away said...

as always, wonderful words sweety! love your friday frills!
wish you wonderful holidays!!!


Unknown said...

Numbers 2, 8 and 10... I must must must make a crucial decision... the words there opened my eyes... thank you for that! I didn't know you had "mig" too, I have twice or three times a year only, but yesterday was awful. I woke up today again in a bad way, but it got much better! And yes, I accept if you help me - to start, I need to lose 10 kilos :) Thanks for your always sweet words, they mean a lot to me! denisesplanet com

fashgrace said...

you're right this is great motivational thing i have to get through this year (( : i always compare myself to others, guess i have to change

Sandicious said...

you're right thhat is great motivational thing ;))

daggistr said...

These rules are soooo motivating ! Great post Dear :)

Sakuranko said...

I need remember this post every day on my life, but it´s hard. Very lovely post!

Unknown said...

Have a blessed and relaxing weekend dear and thank you for the inspiring post of today again!
Big hug your way all the way from Munich!

Silvia Negretti said...

Great everyday rules!!!
I should remeber them more often! :)

Carolyne O' said...

Love your rules, so wise my darlin <3


Rowena @ rolala loves said...

These truly are great mantras for everyday living! I really need to practice #6 more.

Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words on my post the other day Sam! I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with a period of illness as well but I'm glad you were able to recover. I hope I will as well eventually. And if you come to NYC, we will definitely need to take a shopping trip together my friend :)

Rowena @ rolala loves

Julu♥ said...

Great post!
Visit my blog :)

Pilar Domínguez said...

I couldn´t chose just one of this rules!! you are so intelligent in your thoughts, dear Sam. Maybe because we are in Christmas time I am going to choose number 8: live your dreams...Kisses and I wish you a lovely weekend:)

Unknown said...

cannot chose , beatiful thoughts!

ciao ciao

fashionseducer said...

nice pics


inventedromance said...

Love this! It's all so true! Thanks for sharing


Unknown said...

Adorable and inspirational. Good to start the year with these thoughts <3

LoveT. said...

Love your Friday Posts :)

kisses :*

Svetlana said...

Nice pic!
And the quotes are really beautiful!

Svetlana from Lavender Star

Elisa Zanetti said...

I agree with every single word!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page

noradulce said...

Very wise words dear! I need to remember them everyday. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays!

Karolina B-H said...

Absolutely agree! I need to work on so many of them..

xxo from NYC

Demi Mist said...

I agree with number 8 so much!
Happy Friday Sam!

Danny said...

these are golden rules!

Kati said...

Thanks for leaving such a darling comment on my blog!
Number 1 I struggle with a lot..!

Have the best day ever,

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Kind of rules you don't feel like breaking. :) Have a wonderful weekend, Sam! x

Caro * said...

Love your post sweetie and this Nina Riccie picture is magical. Have a lovely weekend :)

Unknown said...

Amazing words! I love it.
Laura. xx

justynapolska said...


Josie said...

Great rules Sam (and I love that Nina Ricci ad!) xxx

Rahul Bhatia said...

Lovely pearls of wisdom which reflect the pureness of your heart Sam:) Have a lovely weekend!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

i love that picture! so pretty. these are definitely rules to follow.

Anonymous said...

Very good advice! There is only truth in it.

Unknown said...

stong words! thank you for the post:)))

Mikka said...

Very inspiring post. Its true life is not a race.. when you run so fast to get somewhere you'll miss the fun getting there, treat life like a journey and you'll start to enjoy it :)

LaTasha Bunting said...

Hello lovely Sam,

Amazing, beautiful, and inspiring Friday Frill hun!
As always hun, a lovely post! :)


Chic Delights said...

I better remember these as they apply to improve our daily lives. Merry Christmas Sam.