Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Frills - If You Wish

If you wish to be respected, then be ever respectful.
If you wish to be understood, then make it your business to sincerely understand.

If you wish to be appreciated, then be ever grateful.
If you wish to be loved, then give love in each moment.

If you wish to be wealthy, then act to create real value.
If you wish to learn, then take time to teach.

If you wish to climb higher, then lift others up.
If you wish to be wise, then share what you know.

Whatever you wish, life will surely give it.
What you must do though, is to truly live it.

There is so much to live for and so much to see.
You will have whatever you are willing to be.

Quote by Ralph Marston
Image via Pinterest


Amy said...

Such a lovely and inspiring post. :)

Josie said...

Lovely post Sam, have a fab weekend! x

Josie’s Journal

Beauty Unearthly said...

Have a successful weekend dear! Lovely post! kisses

Nina Cat said...

this is a beautiful quote :) i'd have it hanging on my wall!

Unconventional Secrets said...

lovely post , have a nice frday

Subham Rai said...

I totally agree with what you have written. Amazing post & would you
like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme
know & please keep in touch!


Anshul Bhargava said...

This is so true!! I wish more people realise this!! And not take things for granted!! :)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful quote, it's nice to remind ourselves from time to time not to take anything for granted.. even for the little things in life. :) Thanks for the friday inspiration Sam! :)

Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

Edyta said...

Sam - thank you for the Friday inspo :) I think the words are beautiful!

Gina said...

absolutely beautiful and so true! Thanks for the inspiration, Sam. Have a wonderful weekend.
XO, Gina

Unknown said...

Sam this words just made my day. I love the poem and it is so true.
Thnks for inspiring and have a great day.

xx Lori

Jackie Harrison said...

Words of wisdom and truthful great job. Have a nice weekend.

Larissa said...

Sam, your last comment was like one of the sweetest I ever received! Thank you so much!
Thank you also for sharing these very good thoughts! I hope you will have a wonderful weekend!
Sending you lots of love!

Elle Sees said...

lovely sentiment, sam. happy weekend!

CILLA B said...

that dress is gorgeous love it

Unknown said...

Wow, dear Sam, again amazing words... and I totally agree with each of them... I got to know some time ago, that "whatever you wish with all your heart, will certainly happen" - obviously not only by wishing, but doing something to create the scenario you want for your life. But then, it's also interesting - sometimes we think we want something so much, and when it happens we think "and now? I don't know what to do and I don't even know if I really wanted that!" So my advice is... we shouldn't play with the "universe"! I hope you have a great beautiful weekend! Thanks for the amazing Friday Frills!

LoveT. said...

Good Post!

big Hugs ,kisses <3

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Indeed! Thanks for this wise inspiration! Have a lovely weekend dear Sam!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Elisa Zanetti said...

these words are so amazing!
Nameless Fashion Blog

Patricia G. said...

Nice words and pic!

miss b said...

These words are so very true particularly giving respect in order to earn it. A good time for me to say that I always appreciate your visits to my blog and I really do value your opinion. Enjoy your weekend.

MariaTamara said...

Very inspirational and true quotes:)

Unknown said...

Very impressive and inspiring words of wisdom!!

Lotsa love :)

Marie McGrath (The Joy of Fashion) said...

I couldn't agree more! It is so important to be do on to others what we would like them to do for us. Very inspiring post ;)

Daniella said...

Theses words are so beautiful and true! Perfect :)

Take care
Daniella xox

Dressed With Soul said...

Dear Sam, thanks a lot for this so true post! I believe in general that you get what you give ... and that this is they key for getting what we want :) Wish you a happy and wonderful weekend!

xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

Sophie Sierra said...

What beautiful words Sam! You are the Queen Of Speech (never mind the King's Speech!) <3

Sophie | soinspo xo

Chic Delights said...

So true. We have to give in order to receive. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tany said...

Always the wisest words! LOVE!
Tany et La Mode
Tany et La Mode on Facebook (New)

Pilar Domínguez said...

I will try to keep your words in my head..." Whatever I wish, life, will surely give me". Lots of kisses for my friend in South Africa. Happy weekend!:)

Tanya said...

I'm praying for everyone take an action and do it not just read it and forget all these brilliant words. your Friday is not only beautiful but is a life meaningful Thanks for sharing Sam.

Thanks for very kind comment on my blog as ever since Sam. So darling!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

amen! say it again! these are all so true!

Caro * said...

Lovely post <3

dahi. said...

these are such positive and life-affirming words. and yes indeed respect needs respect. and love needs love. and wishes can come true, if you work on them.

thanks for sharing.


Miu said...

This is beautiful!



Johnny said...

lovely dress<3