Friday, May 04, 2012

Friday Frills

Do not ask for your life's load to be lightened,
But for the courage to endure.
Do not ask for fulfillment in all your life,
But for the patience to accept frustration.
Do not ask for perfection in all you do,
But for the wisdom not to repeat mistakes,
And finally...Do not ask for more before saying 
"Thank You" for what you have already received. 

Brenda Short

What have you been thankful for recently?


Ang Lam said...

Thank you for the dropping by!! And awesome blog u've go there :)

Melissah from Scrapbook said...

Great words of wisdom!

VintageDanielle said...

I'm thankful for my health, graduating college soon, and my family. The balloons are my favorite part of the picture :)

Rahul Bhatia said...

Thank you, Sam for a beautiful post on the weekend! Have a lovely weekend:)

trishie said...

Wonderful inspiration for a Friday.

Style-Delights said...

Beautiful thoughts and words! Thanks for sharing! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog
NY Style Examiner

Paris said...

Lately I have been feeling really grateful. These are such beautiful words and I love the last line to say thank you first.
Also sorry I didn't answer your question from yesterday! Finals are making me forgetful :)
I mostly use soy as a substitute for dairy (i.e.: soymilk or soy cream cheese.) I also have coconut milk ice cream and more Asian foods (that tend to be vegan in general.) I'll make a bigger post on this soon for one of these Vegan Wednesday posts!


erica marie said...

lovely post, lately I've been thankful for having my mom be more than helpful with taking photos of me.

xo erica

Sootjeelina said...

Wow, this is a beautiful post, I love this quote. And I've been really thankful for my family, friends and vacation. As you can probably tell from the last sentence I have vacation now and I've been hanging out a lot with my friends and family and it has been really nice, so I'm thankful for that. And I'm thankful for all of my followers, readers and commenters; they're all so sweet.

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Pratishtha Durga said...

Fortunately, I have had a lot to be thankful for. A beautiful home, a good job, great colleagues, and a wonderful husband. Sure their are trials, but they make life even more special.

Thanks for this beautiful post, and for helping us remember our blessings!

Unknown said...

Great words honey! :)

Ember Drake said...

Beautiful words!

I've been thankful for my grandad's continued health and for the new opportunities opening up to me job and house move-wise. :-)


Thesmallnoble said...

Great words. I am thankful for my health because I know a lot of people who are not :(

Lisa said...

wauw, i love the qoate! and thats really a beautiful picture <3

Kirsten said...

Very inspiring and very true! Good reminder. XX Kirsten

Helena Resende said...

Very inspiring words!:)

Daniella said...

These words are so humbling!! Thank you Sam my dearest for always giving us such inspiring words! :)

Take care sweetie,Daniella xox

tres chic chica said...

Hey Sam! Amen to all these words! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

xo Marie

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sam :D Following you back! Great blog :)

Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

It's so true! I'm so
glad i found your blog,
I'm following you now :)


The Chic Sheet said...

Lovely words! I have been thankful for my family more then ever recently :)


Oh to Be a Muse said...

Lovely and inspirational. I'm very thankful that it is finally Friday and the weekend has arrived. I've missed it so much!

Pauline Lim said...

Thanks for sharing this:) I'm thankful that I have the bestest friends and sisters in the whole world! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Followed u and keep in touch!:)

Sofie said...

Thanks for stopping by darling! Wish yu have a great weekend too ;). I follow you now, love ur blog. This is so inspirational, love it! Kisses. <3

Unknown said...

Yay another inspiring Friday frills for a better weekend :) Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.. Reminded me of this story I've heard (from the Bible) about a man who was stuck on the roof of his house during flood. He prayed for God for help but nothing happened. People came by and asked him to step in the boat, but he just said that God will help him. Prayed again and more people came.. Eventually he died and went to heaven, and he asked God why He hadn't answered to his prayers. God answered that he did, but the man had turned everyone away.

Not really completely about your post, but this came to my mind. I'm not really religious, but I love the stories and the things they can teach us. :)

Indie by heart

Unknown said...

I love this quote... thank you so much for sharing. Such a very important thing to remember.

Lisa said...

thanks for your reaction (: i have answer your question on my blog.. i hope you can help me, because i think that it would be a lot nicer if you can it translate in english.. i do my best for you and other english people (: