Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Frills

Real women have lines, wrinkles, and flaws.

Each one earned with experience, perseverance and determination.

There’s no computer to airbrush your mistakes.

Let them make you who you are.

Love every mark, every scar and every extra curve you wished to go away.
What you deem as an imperfection is what adds to your unique beauty.

Accept what you can’t learn to love,
Then let go of what you can’t accept.

Treasure them for their memories.

Like a worn love letter or an old family heirloom from generations ago.

Each line and blemish comes with the wisdom only years of life can give.

And life is not to be hidden or covered up.

For life is how a girl grows into a woman
And real women don't conceal their flaws, they proudly embrace it.

*Author unknown, quote adapted by me. Image via Tumblr.


Vannessa@Luxuria said...

It's still Thursday here but couldn't wait to be the first to comment rather than right at the bottom as I usually am ;-)
Lovely post Sam. I love the line "let go of what you can't accept"-something I am having a problem with right now; this line really resonated with me.
TYSM for sharing some food for thought, and also for your lovely comments over at mine for Valentines.
Have a lovely weekend Sweetpea xx

Valeria said...

Lovely words. I find your post very inspiring.


Tinker Bell said...

love it... hehe this photo stand on my laptop desktop :))

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

So much truth and goodness in this post. Thanks for another inspirational reminder. Imperfection is indeed beauty.

Have a lovely weekend Sam!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Enter my iPad Clutch Giveaway!

Tian said...

This is absolutely beautiful. :)

Diana S.T. said...

Happy V-Day Don´t forget to enter on my blog anniversary giveaway:
and read my valentine´s tips: in this post you´ll see photos and a video too so I hope you like it =)

Unknown said...

You already know what I am going to say right?
Thank you so much for such an amazing post and words are so true.

Unknown said...

Thats the most inspiring post i read in a long time... Thank you <3 xxxxx

Jessi said...

Stunning photo and a beautiful quote!
Thanks for your sweet comment today.

Unknown said...

Love this - truth. Too bad we can't all take the advice so easily as we are to give it to others!


Josie said...

I love this! Get fed up with all these older women in Hollywood looking like fish because of all the work they've had done...they should be like Helen Mirren! xxx

Gabriel Kaefer said...

wow, love it!

i hope you like designs of dresses!
i await a visit!
brazilian greetings

gigi said...

the wording here is so beautiful perfection! thanks for sharing made my day! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

Anonymous said...

Love that dress! great post.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Ellen Grace said...

This was such an inspiring quote sam!

A little bit Unique


Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

Francesca said...

Aww what a beautiful passage :) I love that photo too, Happy Valentine's day Sam!

Bailey Schneider said...

I love these.... Proud to be a REAL woman!

Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, wise words :)

<3 Cambria

A Very Sweet Blog said...

It's important to accept ALL of you! Love this Sam! Thank you so much for your kind words on my post doll.

The Dragonfruit said...

That last line is just so beautiful. Its definitely important to love yourself and realize you earned every scar and physical flaw!

Enter to win a $40 voucher to InDressMe!
Trendy Teal

Y además sombreros said...

Gran post.

Bex Doctor said...

Inspiring photo! I want to have a dress like that, flowy and sexy!



Rosa Caruso said...

Ilove this photo!!
Chocolate Rose Style

Unknown said...

Great Post!

Beautiful image !

Love that dress :)

Have a great weekend !


Anonymous said...

Yor blog is cool and intresting! you are very beautiful girl!
can follow each other? just let me know when you do it :)

katie said...

Whoa, I love how her dress in the photo looks almost like wings! :)

This one was so sweet, I love the part about loving yourself and other for their scars and wrinkles. One girl I worked with long ago had large scars all over her face from a car accident as a child and rather than hide then, she was very bold and open about it. (She was one of the sweetest people I've ever known, really outgoing and so caring.)

Cinnamon and White Chocolate said...

Lovely and inspiring words...Like your friday frills very much, you allways make me think! :)

MateaTPol said...

great inspiration and I like first image!

Unknown said...



Daniella said...

Sam what an endearing post! Such kind and truthful words, thank you for giving our day a boost of positivity :)

Take care,
Daniella xox

The Coffee Talk said...

So touching T_T thanks for sharing as always...

Nicole said...

Hey Sam! How are you?
Gorgeous words here :) It's so important for women to accept themselves.
And I love that photograph, WOW!

meghan silva said...

Awesome post!

xo Meg



Beautiful words, great post Sam. :)

Lilli said...

Hi Sam! Thanks for your words dear, hope your V-Day went fine! I just have only one wish, that the cold stop soon here, is very freezing!:)) Btw, nice thought you shared here. This friday I feel so well what you wrote:) When I was a teen I was so worried about wrinkles and flaws and I scared to grow and get old:) At my age now is still a problem lol but with the time I've learned to accept the fact we cant do anything for not having them, you just have to accept cause, beyond the fact they say you are "old", they prove that you arent anymore a little girl but a woman with more wisdom and experience! At least always if you live your life everyday and every moment with no regrets! I really dont like old woman who still think to be teen and fear their age, it cause maybe they have some regrets..this is just my wish:) Hope you have a nice day my dearest! Kisses!:*

Johnny said...

this is a great photo!

Gina said...

This is such a great message to send. So so true...although it is hard sometimes, it really is so important to embrace this perspective.
Your Friday Frills are always nothing short of amazing and I've come to look so forward to them.
XO, Gina

Rahul Bhatia said...

Food with rough edges is good for the human body too just like other rough edges and imperfections in each of us, Sam:) Have a great weekend!

Denisa said...

That pic with the dress is amazing. Have a great friday.

Jessica said...

Hi Sam!
Stunning photo and beautiful quote!!

The Fashion Heels

Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

That's all so true. Thank you for these lovely words Sam!
I wish you a wonderful weekend :)


Anonymous said...

Amazing pic :)

MIXT fashion and lifestyle said...

It would be amazing to wear a dress like that. And what a beautiful text you wrote, it inspires me. Thanx hun!

Alexandra Zakharova said...

Gorgeous picture! Also thank you so incredibly much for the comment you'd left on my blog:)
Have a fabulous time!

Best wishes, Alexandra

Unknown said...

AMEN to this beautiful quote!
have a rocking weekend doll!
Kisses from Miami,

Unknown said...

great post!
new post is up!

xx Patty & Mira

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful Sam, thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to share this with my sisters and all my girlfriends.
XO Wil Harris

Indira Cherietmoi said...

Simply beautiul and inspiring, sweetie. Wish that every girl and every woman can embrace their inner beauty more and enhance their outer naturally by warm personality, smiles, and potentials... aahhhh... ^_^

Fashion and Tea Maniac said...

Love the quote and the picture is beyond beautiful!
The dress is...GORGEOUS<3
Have a nice weekend, dear!

Elle Sees said...

this is such a struggle of mine---accepting what i cannot change! my nerve damage has kept me away from visiting blogs, but i'm back and am getting all caught up on yours! :)

Oh to Be a Muse said...

I love your inspirational Friday posts! This one is particularly good and true.

Maddie said...

I couldn't have said it any better. Really, truly great post!

Always Maylee said...

What a gorgeous picture and great reminder!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Unknown said...

Beautiful quote/ reminder. Lovely.

xoxo Bree
The Urban Umbrella

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Just beautiful!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Silvia Negretti said...

Beautiful words!
So true but it's so hard to accept own mistakes...
Great post!

Anonymous said...

aw, this was just beautiful. I loved those last few lines.. actually I think they deserve a tweet!

Fashion-Bridge said...

It's an amazing photo. The first what actually caught my eye in the post. But than I read the text. It's amazing. Such beautiful words

Happy weekend dear Sam



Carmen said...

Great picutre and quote :)

Unknown said...

Hi gorgeous:)))
great photos and perfect post!
Thank you for your lovely comment in my blog, it is a pleasure to visit yours!!!

Allison said...

I love your message in this post! You always say such powerful things!

A's Fashion Files
Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy, and get free domestic shipping with code FREESHIP

mademoiselle mode said...

I love this pic !
Perfect inspiration !

New post - Kisses

Diana Marks said...

It's so beautifully said! I really like this post!

LA By Diana Live Magazine

Miu said...

This is so beautiful!

Elizabeth Lore said...

Hello dear, great blog and good post, amazing photos. I am your new follower, I hope you do the same and follow back... :)

Keep in touch lady :*

Your Elizabeth,

Unknown said...

I love that photo. I think I can stare at it for days! just discovered your blog and I love it. would you like to check out my blog and maybe we can follow each other? xoxo

Unknown said...

Amazing picsç


Coline, Love from France !

Jenny Peaowl said...

I love this post! So inspirational :) xx