Friday, February 07, 2014

Friday Frills

May you have....

Enough happiness to keep you sweet, 

Enough trials to keep you strong, 

Enough sorrow to keep you human, 

Enough hope to keep you happy, 

Enough failure to keep you humble, 

Enough success to keep you eager, 

Enough friends to give you comfort, 

Enough wealth to meet your needs; 

Enough enthusiasm to look forward, 

Enough faith to banish depression, and

Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday.

*Image via Pinterest. Quote Unknown.


Pearl in Fashion said...

Those are really good wishes! :)

Seepz said...

May you have enough time to keep such beautiful posts coming and blogging! Amen!

Have a great day.

~ Seepz
That Sassy Girl

Jackie Harrison said...

Beautiful poem love it so true.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture so much!


Unknown said...

Fantastic quotes !
Thanks to share it with us!

Dania said...

I'm totally agree with you!
Have a nice week end darling.

Lisa said...

love those inspirational words :) and omgosh that picture is out of this world gorgeous!!

thank you so much for your well wishes!! heart you hon! have a fabulous weekend!

Whispering Life Style said...

This is very inspirational. It's very nice of you to posted it, thank you for that dear :)

Unknown said...

I love the pic and what beautiful words!... May it be the same for you!

Chrissabella said...

This is beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Greetings from London,

Tamara Chloé said...

Hi sam.

Once again such beautiful words!
I am leaving for Paris next week and this is RIGHT where I will taking some photos myself! Right in front of that tower lol
Can't wait!

Enjoy a wonderful weekend sweety!

xoxo Tamara Chloé

Mikka said...

Very wise words I agree determination is the key to anything in life. Appreciate your thoughts hun, thanks for dropping by yeah just did a quick update to the first two shows at nyfw, will try to post more quick updates if I can find time :) Enjoy today :)

Katie said...

Lovely thoughts. Have been feeling pretty uninspired and unmotivated lately, your words have actually helped a little. "Enough friends to give you comfort" is relevant right now, just gotta learn to appreciate + show gratitude every day!
Have a wonderful end of the week/weekend xx

Jessica said...

Very lovely post.

Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

Chic Delights said...

Thank you for always giving us inspiring and positive thoughts. Happy Friday!

Effortlesslady said...

Nice post, happy Friday and Wow that dress!

Unknown said...

Sounds like the perfect life. Enough to be happy and satisfied.

Kate said...

Very nice :-) Life should be about "enough". Love the dress in the picture!

Samantha Mariko said...

wow, the dress ...<3

Birdie Liau said...

Love the lovely outfit and the quote (: x

Ashley Phillips said...

Beautiful picture & lovely post! Always kind & encouraging words! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

aki! said...

Happy Friday!

7% Solution

Anonymous said...

So sweet dear !! again your beautiful post made my day :) xx

Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

Wow, what a lovely quote as ever Sam, this has filled me with a sense of wellbeing, thank you. Amazing pic too! Have a wonderful weekend!x

Rahul Bhatia said...

Beautiful verse, Sam! Enough of nice friends to keep inspiring, like you:) Have a lovely weekend!

The Dragonfruit said...

Love this - hope you have enough as well! :)

The Dragonfruit Diaries

Unknown said...

That picture truly inspired me.That is one amazing picture Sam haha :)
Style Of OzOz
Style Of OzOz Facebook Page

Elle said...

Sam, That photo is so artistic and beautiful. The quote is inspirational! Thank y for sharing. Have a great weekend,
XX, Elle

Pinkoolaid said...

this is such a lovely post :) I agree with this!

Johlet said...

I am obsessed with anything Paris!
Gorgeous pic!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! xx

mademoiselle mode said...

Lovely pics ^^
And quote :)


Patricia G. said...

Nice words!

♥vendy♥ said...

I agree with you dear
happy week end

Paola Lauretano said...

Another beautiful post with encouraging words.... tnx for sharing my dear Sam!!!!
Happy friday!!!!

The Fashion Stir Fry said...

Sure would be happy to have enough wealth to meet my needs but my favorite is "Enough failure to keep you humble" That is so true and solid. Thanks for sharing dear. Hope you have a great weekend!

Antonella C’est Moi said...

happy friday doll!! kiss kiss

Unknown said...

Thank you doll. May you have the same.

A Life Un-Styled said...

More materialistic - but may you have enough shoes to keep your heart happy ;) Happy Friday lovely, have a great weekend. PS We've been watching the Wellington 7s (rugby) and was hoping SA would beat England but alas it wasn't meant to be this time :s

Zaha said...

Your Friday Frills are the best. "Enough sorrow to keep you human" is a great line! Happy Friday Sam! Xo

Lace and Lipstick Stains

Clo said...

Hi sam :) i have seen one of your comment on a blog :) so i find yours :) ...i realy like it..and i'm a new follower #1513
Cute quotes :)
Have a great week-end..and if you like come to visit my blog

Sveva said...

this pic is amazing and the also this quote!
have a great week end!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Have a wonderful weekend, Sam! x

trishie said...

Beautiful words and image! Happy weekend to you Sam

Sugar Lane said...

amazing image!
happy weekend,

esosandra said...

Thank you Sam and God bless you dear.

Carolyne O' said...

Love te frills and love the pics, you always use the right words boo <3


Valeria said...

Great pic and beautiful words.
Have a great weekend.

Elle Sees said...

and the same for you, sweet sam! happy weekend.

Unknown said...

Happy friday babes,I always enjoy your beautiful words, Yeah! That picture is flawless..Have a perfect weekend.

the ineffable soul said...

lovely post, this is just what i needed to hear today :) x

Petra Butková said...

thanx, and happy weekend!!

get carried away said...

wonderful words sweety. and i love that picture! paris is my favourite town!
have a wonderful weekend! <3

Magda Carvalho said...

like both the dress picture.

Anat Koren said...

So inspirational words,dear! Have a lovely weekend ;-)

Unknown said...

Lovely quote!!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Fab post as always!!!
Chic With The Least
Also on Facebook , Bloglovin’ and What I Wear

Emmylou said...

Have a great weekend, Sam:) Thanks for another great Friday Frills.

Unknown said...

Wow!! This picture is so awesome. Happy a great friday, Sam!!

Silvia Negretti said...

The perfect frill for a sunny day like today! :D
Have a great we, hun!

Moscow Blogger said...

Wow! Grate!
Moscow blogger by Marina Maximova

Vannessa@Luxuria said...

I wish ALL those things for you too Sweets. Hope you are well and life is being good to you xx

Federica Di Nardo said...

Thanks for your nice words :)

The Cutielicious

Beautetude said...

Beautiful words Sam! Have a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

Very lovely post !! Love the dress in the picture !!
Kisses dear

Elisa Zanetti said...

may you have the same!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page

Lilli said...

Hi Sam, this quote is just awesome. May we all have enough of everything written above to live better and fully life! I want to add also another phrase: enough bravery to take the risk and no regret the past! This time, I have to comment even the pic, outstanding!
Happy Friday dear, kisses! xo

Alessandra Carlomagno said...

amazing post dear!
kiss kiss


Corinne said...

happy friday!!
that skirt/dress is insane!!
xx Corinne

Cat Eyes & Skinny Jeans said...

Beautiful words, and a lovely photograph. Happy Friday doll!


Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Always love your Friday Frills!! Hope you have a great weekend!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

Ana Robinson said...

That is an amazing photo and about the sentences I wish I could be that positive, might as well give it a shot xx

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! I love it <3

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Yes I think we all need these. Wonderful words and a stunning image! Happy weekend Sam!

Rowena @ rolala loves

Daniella said...

Wonderful lines Sam! So beautiful and true :)

Take care my lovely one,
Daniella xox

Klaudiaaam said...

You have really great blog!
Would you like follw each other on GFC?

Anonymous said...

Amazing dress!


miss b said...

Once again you have found a fabulous image to go with these very sensible words. Enjoy the weekend, Sam.

Unknown said...

Wonderful Sam


Unknown said...

Oh dear Sam, I really needed these words today... enough courage is what I need right now, to break nastiness - in fact, not to be a stupid as usual... :) I am trying to find or to be in an inspiring mood or surrounded by such an atmosphere to drop you an email... for the time being, just let's try to figure out how to be stronger... :) Don't worry, will tell you soon! denisesplanet com

Bárbara Marques said...

Once again...Perfect words :) And awsome picture!!

Corinne said...

I love your inspirational and motivating post. That dress is stunning also!

Corinne x

Isa Machado said...

Lovely inspiration dear *

Tic-Tac Living

Vanessa said...

OMG, this dress is a dream. *__*
Lovely greets Nessa

Unknown said...

Such a motivational post! Every single thing you mentioned is so important in our lives! May we all have enough of everything you mentioned! Have a lovely weekend dear.x

Adriana Leandro said...

Beautiful quotes. xoxo

Lady parisienne said...


Darcy said...

I have this quote framed in our guest room! One of the good ones!!

Manhattan Image and Style said...

Gorgeous! great post sweetie!

New Outfit Post: Brights In The Woods

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Enough sorrow to keep you human--I love that. And I love that skirt too. Want!

Min Tarpy said...

What a dress! Thank you, Sam, for all the beautiful words! Always lovely to hear something sweet at the start of the weekend. Happy weekend!

Gina said...

Lovely! love the picture and the inspirational prose.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend, darling.
XO, Gina

Svetlana said...

Again beautiful quotes!

Svetlana from Lavender Star

ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

just love the photo :)

ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!

Demi Mist said...

Enough beauty on your blog!
Have a great weekend!

alessandra said...

Amazing picture!

Margaret Dallospedale said...

determination... happiness... and hope!
Yes sweet Sam, your words are true. Thasnk you so much for sharing!!
The Indian Savage diary

Dressed With Soul said...

Thanks a lot dear Sam, for your wonderful words! I think a life without any problems and failures is not automatically a happy life of this cause I agree absolutely with the complete text!

Wish you a lovely weekend <3

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

A Very Sweet Blog said...

These are so beautiful!

little luxury list said...

Thank you for the reminder dear. It really is all about the balance so we can appreciate and strive to be better versions of ourselves!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

(Anna) la mode said...

OOh I love that! Each line is short and sweet and to the point. Enough of everything to make us happy and comfortable, but nothing in too much excess. Love the photo as well. I'm going to Paris at the end of the month and can't wait to finally see the Eiffel Tower in person!!! : )


Caro * said...

Marvelous photo ! I love Paris :)

Antee Gurung said...

wow wow love the pictures. cant take my eyes of it and the article u wrote is great aswell

Btw do check out my new post
stay in touch

Peet said...

Jesus, I just had to say ... That shot!!! That shot is PHENOMENAL. I love her skirt and the whole scene's just perfect. Where do you find these gorgeous pictures, babe??? Pinterest, I know, I know, I just had to express my astonishment.:)


LaTasha Bunting said...

Hello lovely Sam,

I LOVE this Friday Frill! Such a beautiful and inspiring quote and poem! I really like it!
Bookmarked it for future reference! :) May life bring you all the happiness that you give to others! :)

With love,