Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Frills

Although I may not be able to prevent
 the worst from happening,

I am responsible for my attitude toward the 
inevitable misfortunes that darken life. 

Bad things do happen;
 how I respond to them defines my character 
and the quality of my life.

I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, 
immobilized by the gravity of my loss, 
or I can choose to rise from the pain, 
and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. 
We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have,
and that is our attitude. Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it. 
We are in charge of our own Attitudes.

*Quotes by Walter Anderson & Charles R Swindoll


BELULOVE said...

guauuu love love loveeeeee

Www said...

cute pic :D

Moscow Blogger said...

lovely look!

Jessi said...

Such a great reminder! I worry too much about things I can't change and I'm bad about holding onto sadness. It's something I really need to work on. Thanks for this! And that picture is SO cute :)

Unknown said...

Love this look!

Unknown said...

Love this pic!

andysparkles said...

True words, dear! <3


Toks said...

Great Friday post again.

Carla Cee said...


Carla Cee

The Dragonfruit said...

Its all about having the right attitude!

The Dragonfruit Diaries

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Keep moving forward and be responsible for YOU!

Megan, said...

cutest picture ever Xo, Megan,

Chic Delights said...

That is so true Sam. I always enjoy reading your Friday reflections. Thanks for reminding us that our Attitudes matters a lot! Happy Friday! Pamela

Unknown said...

This picture is wonderful! :) I'm a new follower to your blog, I'd really appreciate it if you'd follow back? xx

megcasson said...

i love this picture.

MOSAMUSE said...


trishie said...

Love that photo...happy weekend, Sam!

Rahul Bhatia said...

Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it! There could be no better way of putting this, Sam:)Have a lovely weekend! BTW for a while I thought it was you riding the scooty:)

cecylia said...

Definitely- it's all inour attitude- I often have to remind myself to be thankful and no be coveting other things :D

Unknown said...

Hey sam..

I so look forward to your friday frills..hehe! Always so cool!


sonia // daring coco said...

Beautiful words Sam, have a wonderful weekend



What a fantastic photo Sam! And, yes, I agree, how we respond to certain situations definitely affects our outcome and future. Happy Friday! xx/Madison

Unknown said...

So damn true! Kind of exactly how I feel at the moment. X

Paola Lauretano said...

Love is 10% of what happens to is and 90% of how we react to it...... totally agree Sam!
Beautiful words, as always!
Have a lovely friday hun!

CoSMT said...

Lovely post!

Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

Wow, such great quotes and sentiments Sam, I couldn't agree more. Love these, definitely uplifting for the weekend. Have a fab couple of days off dear.xx

Unknown said...

So true. Thanks for the reminder.

Unknown said...

Beautiful words Sam, and I love this picure!!
Hope you have a great day hon!

The Fashion Heels

nicole said...

This is so true, Sam!

Have a wonderful weekend xxx

Unknown said...

true words!! Love the pic!!
Chic With The Least
Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

miss b said...

Just catching up on your posts. This is one of my favourite Friday Frills posts so far. I agree - attitude is everything and I shall remember those percentages! We can't underestimate the importance of a positive attitude.

Aleksandra said...

This is so true !
Love the photo !

Anonymous said...

Great words Sam!!!!! Have a lovely weekend, huge hugs from New Zealand:) xoxox

Lilli said...

Morning Sam! Today frills are the best and my own fav from August! Just love this quote, the message it got is truly inspiring. You know, always happens to read your wise posts in the moments I always need:) To these words, we add also the simple word "acceptance": stop to regret, moan and be sorry, what has be done, has be done, the past cant be changed. The only thing we can change is our attitude and mind, learn from mistakes or facts and always being positive and trustful on yourself and others, cause we havent the control to predict the future and prevent bad things happen, the only control we have is our person who has to be able to pull off the best also in the worst:) And always think positive!:) Happy Friday dear and also weekend ahead! Hugs! xo

meghan silva said...

I absolutely love this, its so very true, one cannot try to control the whole world but we can control how we react to certain things. Hope you have a gorgeous weekend xo

Josie said...

Great quotes Sam, gorgeous picture too! xxx

get carried away said...

great words, dear <3 and i love that photo!
happy weekend!

Jackie Harrison said...

Great point I going through a very hard circumstance right at this point in my life. My attitude has been taking it very calm and collective the situation its testing me I just put it in god hand hopefully I will see the light.

Coco said...

How much I'd love to ride that Vespa!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

Sharon said...

Great quotes! I'd love to own a Vespa :)

Alejandra said...

I want a vespa!!!! :(
Have a nice day pretty!

Silvia Negretti said...

I agree! Attitude can change the whole thing!:D
Super cute pic!

Couture Carrie said...

So true, darling.
Love the pic!


Valeria said...

I just love Vespa and that beautiful picture. Great quotes. Happy weekend.


Pilar Domínguez said...

Good reflexion! We mustn´t think all time in the past we must move on and think on the future, act! Kisses, Sam. Very nice picture.

La Dolce Moda said...

Great post Sam!
And very nice words..
I love to read your blog,
your reader from La Dolce Moda

Emmylou said...

So true, Sam:) What a lovely thing to read on a Friday morning.
Have a fab weekend :)

Unknown said...

Def agree with you sam, brilliant post. lurv lurv that picture. Have a beautiful friday. Kisses...

Elle Sees said...

so, so true sam!! i needed this reminder.

Unknown said...

Nice blog! I'm happy that I found it!

I invite you also to check my blog about Paris.


Unknown said...

that's one nice reminder!
dig the photo!

Hannahs Heels said...

Great words. Thanks for remanding me :)

oh i dont see you on my bloggers yet, let me know and i'll follow you back ^^

Hey do you have any other social media? I want to follow you there too, and hopefully you would follow back :D I'll leave you mine

Facebook / Instagram /Twitter / Chicisimo

 - Hannah's Heels

Viola said...

Such a great post darling!! Beautiful words! (and fun pic of course)

Unknown said...

So so so need this today!
Thank you for posting doll!!!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

So true! Attitude is everything!

Have a lovely weekend Sam!
Rowena @ rolala loves

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Happy Friday, doll--and I hope the love spreads throughout the weekend!

Oh to Be a Muse
Shop Layered Muse

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

love the photos!

Unknown said...

love that photo! it really captures the true essence of summer. also love the quotes you put together :)

Lady à la Mode

Anna said...

that's a great post! ^^
thank you for your comment :)

check out my new post <3

Maddie said...

I agree with what you have said. I always say if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it! :)

Anonymous said...

Just what I needed! I'm currently rising and I really hope that by the end of the year I can look back and be proud of myself for going through these challenging times. Meanwhile, the show must go on.

Jo said...

I wrote something similar to your last paragraph on my blog before. Are you facing some situation of people acting in ways you wished they wouldn't and yet you aren't able to control it? Gosh, I so totally understand and empathise and it's really true that we might mope over it for a while but ultimately we are in charge of our own happiness and we can change our attitudes if wed aren't able to change the situation.

This is a good one, Sam.

Oh and thanx for following me. It it lovely to keep in touch with you.

The Simply Kelly said... lovely post

Margaret Dallospedale said...

I agree!!!!! This post's fantastic!!! Ang very nice photo.
Kisses honey
The diary of a fashion apprentice

Carmen said...

Hey dear :)
First of all thanks for these motivational words! Shit happens in all of our lives and this really showed me that whatever other people do, it´s still about what I do!
Then again on the personal outfits: I think putting outfits on your blog has advantages and disadvantages. If you only show outfits of yourself, day by day, it can get boring quite easily, even if you have the coolest style, because it won´t necessarily affect people´s lives. However if you do other stuff such as showing the latest trends and giving inspirations, you do something that people can rather find useful. Combining both is of course a nice solution but you have so many followers, which shows that a fashion blog can exist without personal style, too. I don´t know if you would have more followers when posting your own outfits but in either way it wouldn´t make sense if you don´t feel comfortable about it. If one day you decide that you really want to show you outfits and that it would be a next step you want to take for your blog, you could still teach yourself in not being as camera shy anymore and do it all in little steps but if you don´t see an immediate reason why you should post outfits then you should simply keep up your work like you´re doing right now :)

Denise said...

As usual, your words came exactly when I needed them! That part "you can be thinking all the time about your loss of you can celebrate life". I guess I am a bit stuck on that, trying to decide which way to choose. But I will be fine! I was out this week, so I have seen the posts about Raysa now, and she looks lovely - I loved her shoes (you know I am a shoe lover!) And the hair styles are amazing! If only I could do that!

Katie Frank said...

omg this photo <3

Gina said...

It is so amazing...the power of thinking positive. Whether it is with respect to everyday life or an overwhelming hardship, this is a fabulous reminder.
Happy Weekend, Sam!
XO, Gina

Demi Mist said...

I agree! You always share the best!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi sweetheart, that's right, we cannot change our pass. the only we can do is take good care what of happening today and do the best what we can do to ourselves and others who cares for us. Thanks for stopping by and I wish you again a blessed weekend to you:)!! speaks again next week darling!

Anna and Klaudia said...

Fantastic photo :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

So well put! Happy weekend Sam!

Karolina said...

True words and amazing picture!

xx Karolina

LoveT. said...

Amazing! Love your Blog <3


BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

lovely post! As always lovely quote and inspiring image

Into The Blush, a Beauty Blog by Kenny.

Daniella said...

Wonderful post Sam sweetie! Everything said is so very true, i'll treasure these words :)

Take care and have a super weekend,
Daniella xox

Hanz, Fashionista Era Design said...

nice post and love the pics!! thanks for ur visit!
My new YT video is up! Let me know what u think :D

Dressed With Soul said...

Dearest Sam, exactly this my lovely husband and I discussed today togehter and I agree to each word of this post! We have always the possibility to decide how we handle with a situation and we are alone responsible for our life ... and not the other persons in our lifes or what happens in our lifes!

Many thanks for this great post - and the picture fits perfect to the words :)

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

my outfit

mademoiselle mode said...

Have a so sweet weekend

New post - Kisses

Beauty Follower said...

Love the stlye of that picture!

fleurani said...

Sam. I cant agree more on this Quote. AMEN and thanks for this great reminder :-)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Love this Friday Frills!! Hope you have a great week!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings