Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Make Your Beauty Products Last Longer

Money Saving Tips to Make Your Beauty Products Last

I was recently approached by HSN with a few great ideas on how to make our beauty products go much much further. These money and makeup saving tips are by Lara Ramos. 

Here Are a Few of Lara's Favourite Ways to Make Makeup Last:

I am constantly talking to my girlfriends about what an investment beauty products are. If you’re a product junkie like me, your beauty budget can closely rival what you spend on new clothes. So whether it’s my wardrobe or makeup supply, I really want to make sure that I protect my investment.

1. Build a Better Makeup Bag

At times, I look through my stash and find no fewer than a dozen variations of the exact same lip shade. None of these products get used consistently and they mostly end up expiring before I can even scratch the surface. I've learned that by better editing my purchase decisions, I can make sure that I have avariety of products that I use more frequently – and I’m more likely to use them to the very last drop.

2. Clean your Brushes

Not only are makeup brushes expensive, but they also touch all of your makeup. By keeping them clean, not only are you extending their life, but also the life of your products. Keeping powders and blushes free and clear of oils and bacteria that tend to break them down will help them live a longer life.

3. Keep it Pretty

You will never find my hard earned makeup knocking around in a vanity drawer or at the bottom of my purse. Oh, the horror! I’m careful to keep my beauty treasures tucked inside of pouches when I’m on the go or on a tray sitting on my vanity at home. This way, there’s far less chance that they will crack or explode, wasting precious product.

4. Scrape the Bottom

I recently discovered these little spatulas that you can use to actually scrape the bottom of your makeup bottles to get to the very end of them. I’ve also been known to use them after cutting open tubes of concealer and lip gloss to collect one final application. 

5. Portion Control

It may go without saying, but using only what you need can really make your makeup last. I found that I was always left with unneeded foundation or extra moisturizer after applying, so I downsized my dose and I’m wasting less. Making other small changes like not spraying my fragrance into the air and walking through it has also helped!

Thanks to Lara and Jackie from HSN Beauty for these brilliant ideas, you can read the original feature here. I've also added a few of my own product saving tips to the list.

These Are Some Of My Own Make-Up Saving Tips

6. Rework Your Bronzer

Mix your last dusting of bronzer with some moisturizer to create an all-over shimmery lotion.

7. Fix Broken Blushes & Shadows

Don't discard broken blushes, eye shadows or pressed powders simply because they have shattered apart. Fix your compacts by adding a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the loose powder then press down with the back of a spoon into its original container.

8. Use Lipstick as Cream Blush

If you find yourself with a lipstick colour you don't really like, re-purpose it as a cream blush, applying to the apples of your cheeks for a rosy glow.

9. Restore Old Nail Polish

Add a few drops of nail polish remover to your hardened nail lacquers to bring them back to their normal consistency.

10. Make the Most of Your Fragrance

Isn't is annoying when that last drop of perfume at the bottom of the bottle can't be spritzed? Open the bottle & add the final trickle of fragrance to an unscented body lotion or to your shampoo. This way, you can build up your favourite fragrance without purchasing a full set.

11. Get The Best From Your Mascara

If your mascara is dried out, place the wand into a glass of hot water, this should melt what ever product is left inside. You can also dip the brush into a little saline eye solution, place it back into the wand and roll around. Don't pump the wand, as this allows in air and bacteria.
If you're low on eye-liner, use your usual liner applicator or a fine brush and dip into your mascara wand and apply as normal.

12. Quick Foundation Replacement

If you find yourself running out of foundation or BB cream at the most inopportune time, dot some of your concealer into your face moisturizer, blend in the palm of your hands, and gently rub all over your face. Finish with bronzer.

13. Double Up Eye Shadows

I sometimes find myself with eye shadow palettes that come with awkward pink, red, coral & berry tones that I know will never look on me. I use these shades as a powder blush. You can also use your eye shadows as eye liner by dipping your application brush in some water first.

14. Make the Wrong Foundation Shade Right

In the store lighting, that foundation seemed to be doing wonders for your skin tone but in natural lighting, not so much. If the shade is too light, use it as a highlighter (with some pearly eye shadow added to it) or as an under-eye concealer. If it's too dark use it to contour your cheekbones. Or you can go back to the store and ask for one shade lighter or darker, (depending on your problem), and then blend the two to create your own unique base.

I hope these money and makeup saving ideas will help you in some way.
Do you have any tips of your own to share?

*Images found via TotalBeauty.com, Oprah.com, glamour.com, Pinterest and Shuttershock.


Kiss & Make-up said...

That's a buuunch of great tips! I definitely believe in getting the most out of your make-up and beauty products, so I'm the kind of person who uses every little bit of product and is not afraid to cut open or break a packaging to get everything out :-)

Sveva said...

great tips!

Beauty Unearthly said...

Nice review - very helpful! ...thx for sharing..:-)

Unknown said...

great tips honey !


Unknown said...

Such an amazing post thanks so much for sharing! :-) xxx


BELULOVE said...

ni nice post!!! kisses

life full of colors said...

great jon. good tips !

Mikka said...

Great tips Sam, I've learned a lot from this thanks for sharing. Have a nice day hun xx

Ileana said...

Great tips!!! I really like the idea of making them look better in a clear tray ^^



little luxury list said...

Great reminders Sam! I try to clean my brushes when possible and now I need to remember to put together my Bare Minerals ready foundation (I dropped the whole things and the foundation broke into a million powdery pieces!)

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Unknown said...

Great ideas and tips dear!!

The Fashion Heels

Unknown said...

This is great- I am going to try some of the tricks like the mascara trick- right now my mascara feels dry but I know there is still a lot inside :) I am very guilty of not cleaning my brushes- when its dirty I toss it away..bad habit.

Style Servings said...

This was SUCH a useful post!! Bookmarked, and will definitely be consulting it regularly!

Cat Eyes & Skinny Jeans said...

Ooh, these are such awesome tips - I'm bookmarking this post right now!!


Jackie Harrison said...

Great tips I like Lara Ramos tips awesome work Sam.

Unknown said...

Sa thanks for these tips! I have to be honest with you, I don't pay the right attention to my make up product, except for brushes (I always keep it clean) and my very earned nail polishes!
Facebook Page Bonjourchiara

Johlet said...

Great tips!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the great tips I always ask myself what a woman would be without make up ? I would be lost I think. have a great week. xo


Lisa said...

ohh love this!! these tips are majorly useful i especially love the one about the cracked eye shadows and using the alcohol to pack it back in!! i can't tell you how many eye shadows i've cracked while traveling thanks!!!


Mihaela Pojogu said...

Adding water in the mascara or anything inside is not a good idea because can develop bacteria. About nail polishes I like to combine when the texture change and in this way I have for much longer.

Unknown said...

Great tips! Nice post :)

Vett Vandiver said...

THANK YOU so much for these tips!! i'm clueless when it comes to makeup and this is very helpful!

Unknown said...

awesome tips and things people really should/need to follow! So much bacteria can grow on brushes and products, you really have to stay on top of keeping your stash in tip top shape!

Lady à la Mode

Rakel said...

perfect post!

Unknown said...

Thanksnfornthe great and helpful tips!

amstervrouwtje said...

Awesome tips and great blog! x

Maddie said...

Those were such amazing tips Sam! I should definitely try to clean my brushes more, I guess I am just really lazy! :D
And I agree we should keep things pretty, but as I am usually in a rush everything is all over the place!

Win a $100 gift card from Jollychic!

Paola Lauretano said...

Wow... interesting post Sam, tnx for sharing!!!!!!!!!!
Great tips!!!!!!!!
A lot of kisses darling!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for those tips dear, great post! I really need to follow your tip and clean my brushes, I always forget it :) Kisses*

Le Trendy Charm BLOG
Le Trendy Charm FACEBOOK

Elisabeth said...

Wow, very cool tips! I didn't know how to fix a broken blush, so that hint came to good use.
I use lipstick as blush as well! And my tip would be to use cotton sticks to get all of the foundation out :)

E from Helsinki, Finland

Kat said...

ooh such a great list of tips and tricks! :D thanks for sharing!! :)


Oksana said...

Beautiful blog, sweety)
If you want, we can follow each other. Kisses

Lilli said...

This post is very useful Sam! Im a huge make up junkie and I always want to get the most out of my make up stuff. I enjoyed the tips from the guests, they inspired me (I just remembered I need to was asap my brushes!) and also yours. I also use the lipspticks as cream blush sometimes, I really love the natural and glowy effect they give to the cheeks. Also use eyeshadows as blush and vice versa, love the double use many products have! Have a lovely evening dear xo

Vanessa said...

Wonderful post, as always so helpful. ;-)
Lovely greets....

Aya said...

Great tips… I really need to clean my brushes more often! xo


angieporelmundo said...

sensacional post!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Very beautiful post dear... Nice and cool! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
Inside Me

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the tips! That will be useful.
Julie | http://www.juliechagas.com/

Unknown said...

cool post sam. thanks for sharing!



awhite said...

These are excellent tips! We spend so much on beauty products/makeup- make 'em last by treating them right. Especially your brushes- such a good tip about cleaning. :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the great tips. I hate it when my makeup gets all ruined for no reason.

Laura Jones said...

interesting tips! i do use lipstick as blush sometimes and should definitely clean my brushes more often. but i'm pretty sure you shouldn't really do that with nail polish:-) x

Anonymous said...

Great tips! Beautiful photos!

Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


Pilar Domínguez said...

Very interesting tips, Sam! I liked number one very much because I am a little bit disaster and I don´t know how many products I have. Sometimes I buy some products and when I arrive home and look into my make up bag I discover I had a similar one. Numer 6 is very interesting too? did Ii understand well? You created your own shimmering lotion? Kisses:)

Unknown said...

Such a really interesting article darling!



Svetlana said...

Thank you for the advice to clean my brushes!
That I really have to do now :D

Svetlana from Lavender Star // BlogLovin //
Instagram // Faceboook

Anonymous said...

Love the colours <3

Dressed With Soul said...

Thanks a lot, your tips are really helpful! I will try especially this one with the nailpolish and the mascara. I put my nailpolish in the fridge, because in our bathroom it´s too war for my nailpolish :)

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Coco said...

N. 11 is new to me and very helpful!
Coco et La vie en rose
Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

Unknown said...

I love the make up, especially the colors of the palettes!

Kati said...

I also do the mascara-melting thing with my lip glosses - works a treat!

Have a great day,

Moscow Blogger said...

Grate rewiev!

Wendy said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing sweetie! <3


Dascha said...

Such a great tips! Thank you! :-)


LoveT. said...

Great ,helpful Post :)


Jessica said...

Amazing tips! =)
Thanks for visiting my blog!



Caro * said...

Very nice tips Sam. Thank you :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Sam you are AMAZING, I learned so many awesome things from this!

Anonymous said...

Wowww!! Awesome post! Really good tips! Thanks :D


Unknown said...

Oh I really like tip #10! I've never heard it before, and will definitely be doing that the next time I reach the bottom of the bottle :) Thanks for sharing!


Margaret Dallospedale said...

This post is very useful sweetie!!!!
Interesting hun
The Indian Savage Diary

Daniella said...

Sam, these Make Up tips are great! So handy to know, thank you for sharing :)

Take care,
Daniella xox

Toks said...

Great tips Sam. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

Alessandra Carlomagno said...

Amazing post Sam, so useful!
kiss kiss


Oriana Campanella said...

This post has been very useful for me, Sam! Thanks for your tips!



Kacie Cone said...

Great tips! After reading this I'm realizing I really need to start taking better care of my makeup!


June said...

So many wonderful tips Sam! I've been doing some of them myself for a while! Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

loved this tips! Great post!!

Darcy said...

So many great tips! My favorite is cleaning your brushes. This could not be more true! Not only will it extend the life of your brush but it helps the color go on more smoothly!

A Very Sweet Blog said...

I didn't think about using lipstick as blush! So neat! I love pretty trays to keep my makeup in. It's important to have an orderly makeup case, so you'll know where everything is. Plus, it helps you find what you need fast.

Corinne said...

This are fab tips! I love the one about dipping the mascara wand into the hot water!

Corinne x

Oh My Style said...

Thanks for the useful tips, i'll take these on board :)


Beauty said...

These are very useful tips; thanks so much for sharing. I wish you the best for the rest of the week.

Unknown said...

Great tips and tricks! I'm horrible about washing my makeup brushes but I vow to be better about it :)


Indy said...

I'll have to look into those spatula thingys! I'm always trying to get the last bit out of my products, I cut lip balm containers, too!

Sybil said...

these are fantastic tips!!! :D

Animated Confessions

Elle Sees said...

all great tips!

Unknown said...

These are all such great tips!

Delilah D said...

great tips♥

Seepz said...

I loved that tip about making the foundation shade right and adding the fragrance to the body lotion. Sometimes, I just can't get enough of a fragrance and this tip is right on!

Thank you for the wonderful advice here and the kind words on my blog, Sam!

Have a great day.

~ Seepz
Savoir Style

Unknown said...

Great tips! Thanks for sharing!


megcasson said...

Great post you have written and laid this out so well!
Great information too!


Tanya said...

such a needy tips for every women. I stack my make ups with each kind individual draws and the extra one for the make ups cleaner, etc. But your tips here is a must as well.

Hope you have a great day Sam!


The Dragonfruit said...

As a newbie to makeup, I really am enjoying this post! Great list of tips, thanks :D

The Dragonfruit Diaries

get carried away said...

thank you for sharing these wonderful and helpful beauty product-tipps dear!
happy day!


Pinkoolaid said...

this is so helpful for a makeup/beauty junkie like me! thanks <3


mademoisellemode said...

Nice products and colors ^^


The Fashion Stir Fry said...

Sam, who knew you were such are a beauty pro? I know you know your fashion well but i am totally impressed with the amount of your beauty knowledge. Brilliant tips dear. Thanks a lot.


Valeria said...

Great tips my dear Sam. Have a nice day!


Unknown said...

great tips! I'm using by myself a lot of them :))) and it pays off! Wish you a wonderful Wednesday, dear Sam!

Kisses, Xenia
life and fashion explorer

Sharon (Style-Chameleon) said...

Very handy tips!



Josie said...

These are great tips, especially the one about saving your nail polishes! xxx

2piezas said...

Un post muy interesante, soy maquilladora y me ha encantado.
Las fotos son impresionante, menudo colorido.

Besos mil.

Unknown said...

Great tips,I find them very helpful, Am quit familiar with the mixing of alcohol with broken makeups but never tried it.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading this post, it's very useful and I agree with every single advice...
Have a nice day :)

The Adventures of a Shopaholic said...

Thanks for your lovely info :)


Unknown said...

Great post!

Best wishes!

Unknown said...

Your tips are so helpful and wise, need to do them *-*
Xxx princess



miasmode said...

Wow these are indeed great tips!! I need to work on keep it pretty!! Have a happy Wednesday Sam!!

xx Mira


Giulia said...

beautiful colors!
kiss Giulia


Unknown said...

Ohh great post thank You for your lovely Info I really enjoy reading it!! isses doll have a nice day!


Unknown said...

Lovely post dear :))

Tany said...

I found these tips very useful, thank you so much for sharing them, Sam!! I tend to be disorganized and sometimes I overspend my beauty/makeup products because I'm always in a hurry. I will try to keep these advises in mind!
Keep up the splendid work, darling,
Tany et La Mode

Elle said...

fabulous ideas! I do phloem of them, but didn't think to do most. I need that little spatula...that will come in handy!
Great post,
XX, Elle


Anonymous said...

Awesome tips love !! xx

Beauty Follower said...

Thanks for the tips, really useful!


Unknown said...

Hello Sam!

Congrats and thanks!
This is a great post. :)

:* :* Roxie T


Peet said...

Don't pump the wand?? Now you tell me! :D I always do that, but apparently now I'll stop. I have to try that hot water trick, I have a bunch of dried out mascaras (and apparently contaminated too:)). GREAT post, babe, and I'm loving all of the shots, so colorful and fun. I'm sure it was a hassle finding them...